Does it happen to you, that when you look into the mirror there is one feature of your face that you wish you could change? If yes, then you should know that you can alter the appearance of your facial features with the help of facial implants. In India, more and more people are undergoing facial implant surgery to enhance their facial features and. Apart from facial implants; implant surgery for other body parts like the breasts and the buttocks is also very prevalent today in India.

Facial implant surgery:-

Previously only silicon based facial implant were available, today the materials that are used for manufacturing of facial implants have been also upgraded. Till a few decades back, facial implants surgery was primarily done for enhancing the contours of the chin and the cheeks only. Today even if you want to augment your forehead or your jaw line, it is indeed possible

When can you consider undergoing facial implant surgery?

In case you have tried other treatment options but are dissatisfied then facial implant surgery could be the correct treatment for you. Facial implant surgery could be the treatment for you if ageing has caused loss of tissue elasticity in your face. Also if you want a sharp jaw line or more youthful cheeks then you can undergo jaw implant surgery or cheek implant surgery respectively. Facial implant surgery is one of the best treatment methods to achieve permanent results.

Benefits of facial implant surgery

The most important benefit that one can get from a facial implant surgery is permanent results.  This means that once you invest your time and money in a facial implant surgery, your facial contours would always look good. Also, the whole treatment process for facial implant surgery is simple and the time taken to recover after the surgery is long. In India, implant surgery is also done by taking the patient’s own body tissues. But the result of this type of facial implant surgery last only a few years as human tissues denigrate with time.

 Things to consider before getting a facial implant surgery:-

  • Firstly, your surgeon will ask you to quit smoking or stop smoking for a prolonged duration of time.
  • Before the facial implants surgery the patient has to undergo a full body check up.
  • If you are taking medication for treatment for some other problem you must disclose it.
  • During the consultation tell your surgeon about known allergies you have. This will help the surgeon to form your treatment plan in the best way possible.

 Expected outcome of the surgery:-

The outcome of any treatment may differ from the expectations of the patient. In India, the top clinics and the best hospitals can give you almost a realistic picture of what could be the outcome after the treatment and surgery. In order to cooperate with your surgeon in the best way possible, it is crucial that the patient openly communicates. Sometimes, the results after the complete treatment may become visible after a few months. Because of the facial implants, you may feel restricted movements in your facial muscles but this is common and subsides after a few weeks of the complete treatment. For the treatment to begin, you must abide by the precautions given by the surgeon so that you can get the best outcome from the surgery. For the successful outcome of the facial implant surgery, after surgery & treatment all the ointments and medications prescribed by the surgeon should be taken.

The first step would be to choose the best surgeon in India in the top medical facility. One important point to remember before you finalize the best possible doctor for you is that only glossy advertisements are not enough for a hospital or a doctor to become the best. In India, unsuccessful cases of facial implant often make the headlines. Some of the best hospitals in cities like Kolkata, Mumbai, and Jaipur etc. have been in the headlines for allegedly using substandard quality facial implant to cut costs.  If you are looking for a surgeon in India, you can get the best treatment by looking into references of other patients.

Why choose Dr. Debraj Shome for facial implant surgery in India?

Dr. Shome is the best plastic surgeons in India who currently has his base in Mumbai. He has undergone training from institutes across India and other countries also. He is a visiting faculty in some of top hospitals in Mumbai and has his own successful practice in Mumbai. His list of successful cases is quite long and it includes patients from not only from Mumbai but all across India. Reviews from his patients from all over India are a proof of his expertise. His long list of patients includes celebrities also from the Mumbai film industry. All of his clinics in Mumbai have seen annual growth in the number of patients that visit him. All the surgeries performed by Dr. Debraj Shome at his Mumbai clinics and other hospitals have been completely successful. Mumbai has a large inflow of patients from other countries and Dr. Debraj Shome has been one of the top choices for the patients. We often come across complicated cases of patients who unfortunately have been victims of terrorism, abuse etc. in other countries. Such patients are often treated by Dr. Debraj Shome at his clinics in Mumbai. But Dr. Debraj Shome works out miracles in Mumbai and has contributed in bringing India at the top position onto the world map and making Mumbai the facial surgery capital. Facial implants are carried out by Dr. Shome on many patients every year and therefore if you are looking for the top surgeon in India, he is the best choice. So, head to Mumbai for implants and even if you are not a Mumbai citizen and belong to some other part of India you can always get in touch with Dr. Shome and The Esthetic Clinics for treatment.

About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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