What are QR678 injections?

The most revolutionary treatment in the history of hair growth treatments has been invented by Dr. Debraj Shome and Dr. Rinky Kapoor together in India and it is known as QR678 injections.

Because of the popularity of hair loss treatment by QR678 injections many people are now aware about the QR678 injections. Still, a lot of confusion persists about QR678 injections.  Article about QR678 injections has also been published in the Times of India and also various other top medical forums all over the world. QR678 is the name given to a hair growth molecule. So QR678 is a hair growth factor which is given to the patients with the help of injections for the treatment for complete hair loss. The hair growth factor QR678 is made up of the growth proteins which help in the growth of hair on the scalp. In normal state the growth factor continues to be present on a person’ scalp but the quantity of growth factor reduces drastically in the cases of people who suffering from the hair loss. With the help of QR678 injections, these growth factors are replenished on the scalp with the help of tiny injections. It has been long believed that hair loss is caused due to internal imbalance in the body. Over the years it was found that hair loss may occur in completely healthy individuals as well with no history or current state of illness. The hair growth in humans is due to presence of specific hair growth factors which are available in the scalp of humans. it thus became important to artificially synthesize this mixture in the lab so that it can become viable for use in the form of QR678 injections.

Science behind the QR678 injections:-

A ‘growth factor’ is the name given to a fundamentally essential protein which kick starts the life cycle of a cell. A growth factor helps in localized development of a particular cell and is therefore indispensible in the growth cycle. A growth factor is required for controlling different stages in the life of a cell and once they are topically injected into the scalp, they work by responding to specific target tissues on the cells. Contrary to what was believed for years, not the health ofan individual but localized growth factors played an important part in hair growth. The miraculous concoction for hair growth or the growth factor was discovered by Dr.Debraj Shome and Dr. Rinky Kapoor and it is being artificially synthesized for the purpose of hair restoration treatment. Finding the exact components of the growth factor mixture took almost a decade because once the theory was established executing the findings in to something tangible was a gigantic task for Dr. Debraj Shome. with the help of numerous exclusion experiments and studied, the main five growth factors which are responsible for hair growth were discovered. These growth factors were genetically engineered to enable them to be used in the form of a solution. The potent solution can be injected directly into the follicles without having to deeply penetrate the skin layers.


Why the treatment with QR678 injections is different form stem cell therapy or any other method of treating hair loss?

Treatments for hair loss like PRP therapy or stem cell therapy work on humans by increasing the blood circulation in the hair follicles. QR678 injections treatment has a different working principle. In this treatment, the potent growth mixture is administered in to the hair follicles topically. For the treatment with QR678 the patients should have useable hair follicles on the scalp. So before the QR678 injections treatment is started the doctor examines the scalp of the patient. The QR678 injections are now being deemed as the best treatment option for hair loss for multiple reasons. First of all, as the growth factors in QR678 injections are the same as found in the scalp of humans, the human body does not generally react adversely to the treatment. Therefore, this treatment has a very high success rate. Also, not only treatment by QR678 injections reduces hair fall, it stops the hair fall completely and the new hair actually begin to grow back on the scalp.

Also, QR678 injections are selectively used for promoting hair growth while PRP or stem cell therapy have been in use in the medical world for number of purposes.

More about QR678 injections and the best hair loss treatment in India:-

Dr. Debraj Shome and Dr. Rinky Kapoor worked hard to figure this puzzle about the growth factors. After dedicated years of research they invented the QR678 injections. Treatment by QR678 injections stimulates the hair growth from within with the help of best growth factors. There are almost no side effects of the treatment by QR678 injections. QR678 injections were invented in the year 2008 after which the injections were awaiting a US patent. Dr. Debraj Shome who is the best facial plastic surgeon and Dr. Rinky Kapoor who is the top dermatologist in India are one of the very few doctors in India to bag a US patent for their innovation. The reason why QR678 is now considered to be one of the best treatment options available in India is the natural looking results that are obtained by the treatment. The treatment by QR678 injections gives a natural hairline instead of a tight and unnatural one. Both Dr. Debraj Shome and Dr. Rinky Kapoor are based in Mumbai and have performed the QR678 injection treatment on thousands of patients in Mumbai. This treatment requires 5 to 10 injections and each injection costs about 6000 rupees. The body accepts this treatment because our immune system accepts the QR678 growth factors. Though in India for a few years Stem Cell therapy was also very popular now more and more people are opting for QR678 treatment in not only Mumbai but all over India.

The growth factors for QR678 injections are artificially synthesized in the lab. On being asked about his invention Dr. Shome says that never before in India there has been any treatment which stimulates new hair growth from within the scalp. This treatment for the re- growth of hair is exclusively available in Mumbai and anyone who claims to provide this treatment anywhere else in India is a fraud. This product is the brain child of Dr. Shome and Dr. Rinky Kapoor and the treatment is done at the clinics of Dr. Shome in Mumbai. In India, patients now are going to Mumbai to get their hair back. The top results from this treatment are guaranteed and in Mumbai many celebrities also have tried this best treatment. Millions of men and women in India suffer from this problem which affects their self- esteem and confidence but with the invention of QR678 in Mumbai, there is a ray of hope for all the patients. Dr. Shome is now planning to take this treatment to other cities of India other than Mumbai so that more and more people of India can benefit from the top marvelous hair restoration technique. But for now, QR678 is only available in Mumbai. With this invention, Dr. Shome has proven that he is one of the best in India. He has performed this best treatment on many patients in Mumbai and slowly and steadily patients from outside Mumbai are also getting to know about it. So if you want your hair to grow back, visit Dr. Shome’s clinics in Mumbai. And if you are not from Mumbai and still want your hair back, all you have to do is travel to Mumbai and change your hair and your life.

About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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