As ageing takes a toll on our skin and our minds, we tend to look for desperate measures for getting rid of fine lines and wrinkles. Sagging skin of face and neck, lines around the eyes and lines of the forehead are not the only signs of ageing. Blotched patches on skin, hyperpigmentation, dryness etc. are also very prominent signs of ageing. There are many treatments available today, the most popular being Botox followed by facial fillers, which can help in management of the signs of ageing on the skin. Though Botox is very effective in curing wrinkles, if the skin has more issues than just wrinkles and needs more refinement in the overall texture, then laser skin rejuvenation or laser skin resurfacing could be the best treatment.

The popularity of the skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatment is growing because of the better outcome of this treatment. The reason behind the popularity of the laser skin resurfacing and laser skin rejuvenation is that with Botox there is no improvement in overall texture of the skin while with laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatment, the overall look of the skin becomes youthful and glowing. Also, in some cases, use of Botox gives a very stiff appearance to the skin which may cause the face of the person to look unnatural. This does not happen with laser skin resurfacing and laser skin rejuvenation. Also laser skin rejuvenation and resurfacing treatment stimulates the production of collagen in the skin which causes the skin to become even better.

Types of laser available in India which are used in laser resurfacing and rejuvenation treatment:-

  • Nd: YAG laser: – The name of this laser represents the medium of this laser which is Neodymium: Yttrium-Aluminium-Garnet. Nd: YAG laser can be used for treating fine lines and wrinkles, reduction of rosacea, stimulation of collagen, brown spots or liver spots on the skin and for overall improvement in skin texture. Nd: YAG laser can also be used for removing old tattoos. This laser is non- ablative which means that the tissue on the skin remain intact. Because of the wavelength of this laser, the pigmented cells get specifically damaged.
  • Fraxel: – Fraxel laser is also used for skin rejuvenation and reversing the effects of time from the skin. Fraxel is one of the most popular laser treatments because there are no side- effects and the patient does not have to undergo any recovery downtime. The Fraxel involves targeting the microscopic skin tissues with intensely focused laser beam. The sharp laser beams travels beneath the surface and the damaged skin cells are removed. The healing of the skin is accelerated by Fraxel therefore the skin continues to improve even after 3- 6 months of the treatment.
  • Intense Pulsed Light therapy: – As the name indicates, the Intense Pulsed Light laser therapy utilizes short bursts of light which have very high intensity to treat the skin. The IPL therapy is focused on the skin and only the skin cells which have high amount of pigmentation absorb the IPL. Instead of utilizing a single wavelength, the IPL therapy makes use of multiple wavelengths. To enhance the output of the treatment, the energy is filtered and regulated so that only the targeted areas are treated.
  • CO2 laser: – CO2 laser is also known as Pixilated or Fractional CO2 laser. This is one of the most commonly carried out laser treatments in India as it is very suitable for Indian skin tones. This laser treatment is the perfect solution to more severe issue of the skin like deep wrinkles, pitted scars due to trauma or acne and intensely sun damaged skin. CO2 laser travels more deeply into the skin as compared to Fraxel therefore it used for more intensive treatment. CO2 laser treatment is preferred more for older patients who are above 40 years of age.
  • Erbium YAG laser: – The wavelength of Er: YAG laser falls into the infrared region of the wavelength spectrum. It is a solid state and non- ablative laser. When Erbium YAG laser is targeted on the skin heat is generated which eliminates the problematic skin cells. Er: YAG laser is used in treating moderate wrinkles and facial lines, freckles, Melasma, small pox scars, acne scars and skin which has been damaged due to excessive exposure to sun. This treatment is very precise and can be used very selectively on the tissues.

Fractional resurfacing laser treatment is used for removing the top layers of skin tissue to reveal the layer of rejuvenated skin. The skin which has problems is specifically targeted for resurfacing and rejuvenation. Laser rejuvenation and resurfacing treatment is the best non- invasive treatment which means the treatment does not involve any type of incisions. Sometimes, laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation can also be used in combination of other treatments.

A patient who decides to undergo laser resurfacing and rejuvenation treatment does not need any preparation before the treatment. In most cases, there is no pain caused by laser resurfacing and rejuvenation but a slight discomfort may be experienced by the patient during the treatment. This discomfort does not last after the treatment. If a person experiences extreme discomfort during the laser resurfacing and rejuvenation treatment some topical anesthesia may be given, but in most cases the discomfort during the laser treatment is tolerable.

There were some side effects that were associated with laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatment but with the improvements over the years, skin laser treatment has become very safe and therefore can be the best choice for rejuvenation in India.

Laser resurfacing and rejuvenation treatment in India:-  

Over the years, laser skin treatment has emerged as the top choice of people wanting to undergo skin rejuvenation treatment. Laser skin treatment has improved in techniques and is now available in all cities like Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai as well as the rest of India. At The Esthetic clinics in Mumbai, which has been co- founded by Dr. Debraj Shome (one of the top facial plastic surgeons in India) hundreds of patients undergo skin laser treatment. Dr. Shome has himself observed an increase in the number of patients at his Mumbai clinics and an overall change in the outlook of the people of India. In India, a variety of other skin treatments are available, however laser skin treatment is the best preferred treatment in India. It is one of the best forms of treatment which is preferred by a lot of people for regulating the signs of ageing which ruins the texture of top of their skin. The results of the skin laser treatment last a very long time and this is what makes the skin laser treatment the best option. People of Mumbai as well as rest of India trust Dr. Shome and his clinics in Mumbai blindly. That is because he is the best facial plastic surgeon of India and his prowess has been acknowledged by some of the most prestigious institutions from around the world. His clinics are always rated at the top in Mumbai and he plans to take the cosmetic treatments all over India. People want to take skin laser treatment from Dr. Shome in Mumbai because he is one of the most qualified doctors in India. At The Esthetic Clinics in Mumbai, all latest technology and equipment is available which makes it the best cosmetic clinic not only in Mumbai but in all of India. Mumbai is the place where Dr. Shome is based and but the benefit of his knowledge and wisdom is taken from people all over India whom he treats at his Mumbai Clinics. So, if you want that youthful glow and wrinkle free skin, all you need to do is come to Mumbai and take a consult. Dr. Shome is going to take care of all your skin problems at his clinic in Mumbai. The Esthetic Clinics have six branches all over Mumbai all of which are very well equipped with the latest technology in cosmetic medicine.

About Dr. Debraj Shome

Dr. Debraj Shome- Facial Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome – Founder, The Esthetic Clinics, is a top facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Shome is currently a Consultant at the best Mumbai hospitals like Saifee Hospital, Breach Candy Hospital, Nanavati Hospital & Apollo Spectra Hospital in Mumbai, India. He has 40+ research papers in the best international journals, numerous presentations at conferences & many awards such as “Best Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Best Plastic Surgeon in India”, Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India”, “Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai”, “Breakthrough Innovator in Facial Plastic Surgery” etc. A celebrity plastic surgeon, Dr. Shome believes plastic, reconstructive & cosmetic face surgery can allow you to lead a more fulfilled life….Read more

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